I spent about 30 seconds too long looking for an app on my iPhone and realized it was time to clean off some of the apps. Again, these reviews aren’t meant to be complete, just merely quick thoughts on why I’m dumping them.
Labyrinth Lite Edition - this game used the accelerometer to allow the iPhone to simulate wooden labyrinth boards. It was neat when I first got the phone. Now I’m bored with it.
Google Mobile App - Brings your favorite google apps into one place. Don’t really ever need them.
Stanza - pretty cool book reader. Great user interface. Two problems, 1 screen is really to small. 2, I got a Kindle :)
Edibles Diet Journal - don’t remember why I stopped using this, as diet apps go, I prefer Lose It! Calorie Tracker by Live Strong - see above
QR app - it reads bar codes and QR codes, don’t really need to read QR codes and RedLaser is soo much better.
Juxtaposer - this takes allows you to swap heads on a picture. It is really not easy to do this on an iPhone.
Shazam - allows the iPhone to listen to something and identify a song. Midomi is a better option.
Last.FM - I really want to continue to use this app, however, more and more I find myself going to Pandora.
Craigsphone - if you’re a craigslist junkie than get this app. For me it’s been idle for about a year.
Cardstar - This app allows you to store your loyalty cards in a database. It was featured in the Apple iPhone commercials. My wife does all our shopping :)