Warren Buffet
“Most business mistakes are irreversible setbacks, but you get another chance. There are two things in life that you don’t get another chance at – marrying the wrong person and what you do with your children.”
“Most business mistakes are irreversible setbacks, but you get another chance. There are two things in life that you don’t get another chance at – marrying the wrong person and what you do with your children.”
“When an industry’s underlying economics are crumbling, talented management may slow the rate of decline. Eventually, though, eroding fundamentals will overwhelm managerial brilliance. ‘If you want a reputation of being a good businessman, get into a good business’”
“I’m just lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. Another place, another time, I wouldn’t have been as successful. Society enabled me to make my money and my money should go to society.”
Where a new system concept or new technology is used, one has to build a system to throw away, for even the best planning is not so omniscient as to get it right the first time. Hence plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow.
“[I]t is often undesirable to go for the right thing first. It is better to get half of the right thing available so that it spreads like a virus. Once people are hooked on it, take the time to improve it to 90% of the right thing.”
“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it compromises and develops the germ of every other.”
In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.Lawyers paid by Bill O'Reilly's bosses argued in court that Fox can lie with impunity.
It’s their right under the 1st Ammendment.
This suit was brought about because of a couple of “Investigative” journalists hired by a local Fox affiliate refused to insert false statements into their news piece to placate the programs producers. When they were fired for not changing the story, they sued Fox News.
Writing to-do lists and keeping a schedule may keep you organized, but does it really help you get more done? I believe that organization is important, but what you really need is focus. Being able to sit down and concentrate intensely on your work for a few hours. Even a half hour of focused effort can get more done than an entire day of distraction and multitasking.
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"Alberto Gonzales is saying, basically, there are problems of which he cannot speak, for which he is responsible yet not to blame, and that he is the only one who can clean up the mess that he can neither confirm or deny exists. Let me try to put this in schoolyard terms, if I may: He has smelt it, and while he cannot confirm that he in fact also dealt it, he refuses to deny it on the grounds that it might incriminate him for supplying it."
From Media Matters:
"On the July 24 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume, on-screen text identified Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) as a Democrat during a report from chief Washington correspondent Jim Angle about Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' July 24 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The text appeared during footage of Specter telling Gonzales that the committee would be reviewing his testimony about a May 10, 2004, confrontation over the Bush administration's warrantless domestic wiretapping program to "see if your credibility has been breached to the point of being actionable." Angle introduced the footage of Specter as an example of "other[]" senators who "urged the attorney general to correct his testimony, vaguely warning of legal action." At no time during Angle's report did anyone say that Specter was, in fact, a Republican."
Apparently this is not the first time they’ve done this. Is it deliberate or are they just incompetent?
I now finally have an excuse to get an HDTV and HD Cable/FIOS. TiVo HD gets official: $299, loaded, with SATA and TTG coming
I am addicted to my TiVo and hate watching TV without it. When Verizon called offering FIOS service I turned them down because I couldn’t easily use my Tivo. If this thing can work with Digital Cable/FIOS then I’m all over it.
Technorati Tags: tivo, video, hd
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I’m not a big fan of ring tones. Not that I hate the ability to customize my phone. I just can’t justify the cost through my provider for a 15 to 20 second song clip. Because of this, I’ve resisted custom ringtones on my phone for years.
The other night, however, I came across Phonezoo, an advertising supported website that lets you send ringtones to most phones. It has some really cool features.
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Here is another story along the same theme as yesterdays. In King George W.: James Madison’s Nightmare author Robert Scheer frames George W. Bush as the president that our founders warned us about.
George W. Bush is the imperial president that James Madison and other founders of this great republic warned us about. He lied the nation into precisely the "foreign entanglements" that George Washington feared would destroy the experiment in representative government, and he has championed a spurious notion of security over individual liberty, thus eschewing the alarms of Thomas Jefferson as to the deprivation of the inalienable rights of free citizens. But most important, he has used the sledgehammer of war to obliterate the separation of powers that James Madison enshrined in the US Constitution.
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From Mornon land, their listing for Top 13 worst slogan translations. My favorite
Pepsi's "Come Alive With the Pepsi Generation" translated into "Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back From the Grave" in Chinese.Technorati Tags: humor
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The New York Times ran a great editorial today about the power of the purse to curtail the presidential power to make war. If you read what some of the Founding Father’s wrote you would think they were addressing President Bush.
"The founders were particularly wary of giving the president power over war. They were haunted by Europe’s history of conflicts started by self-aggrandizing kings. John Jay, the first chief justice of the United States, noted in Federalist No. 4 that “absolute monarchs will often make war when their nations are to get nothing by it, but for the purposes and objects merely personal.”
The founders would have been astonished by President Bush’s assertion that Congress should simply write him blank checks for war. They gave Congress the power of the purse so it would have leverage to force the president to execute their laws properly. Madison described Congress’s control over spending as “the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining a redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure.”The framers expected Congress to keep the president on an especially short leash on military matters. The Constitution authorizes Congress to appropriate money for an army, but prohibits appropriations for longer than two years. Hamilton explained that the limitation prevented Congress from vesting “in the executive department permanent funds for the support of an army, if they were even incautious enough to be willing to repose in it so improper a confidence.”
Our Founding Father’s were wise to assign the power of the purse to Congress. Congress shouldn’t fear political backlash by using it.
I had a pleasant surprise tonight while working with VMWare. When I installed Windows XP under VMWare I noticed that the sound card it emulated was an ES1371. This is the ENSONIQ (or Creative) AudioPCI.
I worked at ENSONIQ through most of the 90s for the Multimedia Products Division and was one of the developers of the Soundscape and AudioPCI line of sound cards. It’s nice to see it lives on.
We did some crazy Voodoo to get DOS audio to work on this device. I wonder if the gang at VMWare figured it out…
The Baked Potato Recipe: Recipes: Food Network
The Baked Potato
Recipe courtesy Alton Brown
Show: Good Eats
Episode: This Spud’s for You
Heat oven to 350 degrees and position racks in top and bottom thirds. Wash potato (or potatoes) thoroughly with a stiff brush and cold running water. Dry, then using a standard fork poke 8 to 12 deep holes all over the spud so that moisture can escape during cooking. Place in a bowl and coat lightly with oil. Sprinkle with kosher salt and place potato directly on rack in middle of oven. Place a baking sheet on the lower rack to catch any drippings.
Bake 1 hour or until skin feels crisp but flesh beneath feels soft. Serve by creating a dotted line from end to end with your fork, then crack the spud open by squeezing the ends towards one another. It will pop right open. But watch out, there will be some steam.
NOTE: If you’re cooking more than 4 potatoes, you’ll need to extend the cooking time by up to 15 minutes.
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The social bookmarking website Delicious is a great way to organize, share and discover interesting websites. I’ve replaced my standard bookmark list in Firefox with Delicious using the excellent plug in by Yahoo!.
If your family is like mine, they often struggle to find the best gift for you. Rather than risk another unwanted gift, use the power of social bookmarking.
As you’re surfing the internet, if you find something that might make a great gift, tag it. I use the tag wishlist for each item I want.
At some point, someone is bound to ask you what gift you might want. Now, instead of trying to come up with something on the spot, point them to your wishlist tag.
By the way, here is my wishlist :)
I found these examples at eMoms at Home (not even sure how I ended up there).
Have you made any domain name mistakes like the following companies?Experts Exchange (at www.expertsexchange.com)
Who Represents (at www.whorepresents.com)
Graphic Arts Exchange (at www.graphicartsexchange.com)
Speed of Art (at www.speedofart.com)
IP Anywhere (at www.ipanywhere.com)
Morrison and Foerster (at www.mofo.com)
Apetit (at www.apetit.com - they just messed the whole naming thing up!)
And probably the worst offender of all is Cumming First Methodist Church in Cumming, GA (at www.cummingfirst.com)
Plus two legendary mistakes that are now retired:
Mole Station Native Nursery (at www.molestationnursery.com)
Italian Power Generator (at www.powergenitalia.com)
I recently was looking for a way to get files off of my home PC from my office when I came across Hamachi. Hamachi is a “zero-config” VPN which when installed, allows you to link computers across the internet in a secure, virtual local area network.
I installed the client on my home PC and office PCs. Their claim of zero config is spot on. I merely had to give the PCs my account name and they found each other on the internet.
Once connected, I could do everything to my home machine that I could do on my house local area network. Browse shares, access my Subversion server, even use the Windows remote desktop to operate my home machine from my office.
VPNs used to be the realm of IT departments and businesses looking for a way to connect their road warriors. It was difficult to install and slow. Hamachi has leveled the playing field making it available for consumers.
This morning on CBS's Face the Nation, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich advised fellow conservatives not to talk about President Bush's record. "President Bush is not the future. He's not a solution. He doesn't solve Social Security. He doesn't solve Medicare. He doesn't solve the economy. He doesn't solve the environment. He doesn't solve education. He's a current fact" Gingrich said.What I don't get is why didn't the Republicans led Congress deal with these issues while they were in control? They certainly had the opportunity.
Ingredients needed:
* 3/4 cup fresh lime juice
* 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
* 1/4 cup water
* 1/4 cup pineapple juice
* 1/4 cup sugar
* 1 tablespoon lime zest
* 1 tablespoon lemon zest
* 8 lime wedges
* 1/2 cup coarse salt
* 1 cup ice
* 1 cup premium 100 percent agave tequila
* 3/4 cup orange-flavored liqueur (recommended: Grand Marnier or triple sec)
In a medium saucepan, combine the lime juice, lemon juice, water, pineapple juice, sugar, lime zest and lemon zest. Bring to a boil over medium heat, and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat. Cool to room temperature and strain out the zests. (Can be made in advance and keep in a covered container in the refrigerator.)
Chill the margarita glasses in the freezer for 30 minutes. Place the coarse salt in a shall dish or saucer. Wet the rim of each with a lime wedge and dip the glass into the salt to coat.
In a cocktail shaker, combine the cooled citrus syrup with the ice, tequila and orange-flavored liqueur. Shake until frothy and well chilled, at least 1 minute. Strain into the prepared glasses and garnish each with a lime wedge.
Yield: 4 to 6 servings
The traditional daiquiri, not the wussy fruit drink.
Put the ice into a cocktail shaker. Pour the syrup, juice and rum over the ice. Cover and shake well. Strain the drink into your service glass and drink immediately.
In a shameful move, one that clearly shows their utter contempt for women and minorities in this country, Republicans in the Senate try to block the minimum wage increase.
Senator Kennedy expressed his disdain toward the other side of the aisle in his statement shown below:
Some of these amendments are in the form of tax breaks for small businesses whom Republicans charge will bear the brunt of the bill for the increase.
However, according to the former Secreatary of Labor Robert Reich, tax breaks for small businesses are unnecessary for a couple of reasons.
The first is that this wage hike is not really an increase but an inflation adjustment. Since there hasn’t been a wage increase in the last 10 years, minimum wage incomes have not followed inflation. However, price increases by small businesses typically follow inflation.
He also makes the argument that small businesses could actually be helped by a wage increase. By increasing wages, more people would enter the workforce. This gives employees a larger talent pool from which to hire and helps minimize turnover, saving money.
To quote Sen. Kennedy, “What is it about working men and women that you find so offensive?”
I’m trying to go back and listen to all the music I’ve bought/acquired during 2006.
It’s more a list for me so that in a few years if an artist comes out with something I can recall whether or not I liked him. So, without further ado.